I’m Kristy, or Kiki as my nanny kids (NKs) call me. That’s right, I’m a nanny! I’ve been a professional nanny for about a decade, specifically a newborn nanny. I LOVE babies. But the thing with babies is that they grow – eventually out of diapers. It’s a natural progression and because it is breaking a lifelong habit, it can be difficult.
I first heard of Oh Crap! Potty Training from one of my nanny moms. Though I had successfully potty trained another NK at a different placement, this one was being a bit trickier. He was very comfortable continuing on in his habit of diapers and his mom was tired of buying them. Along came Oh Crap! and the rest is history! Soon all the other moms at our playdates were asking how we had potty trained little A so quickly and efficiently.
Every placement after that when the time came to potty train, I would give the parents the Oh Crap! so that we could potty train together. Soon I was the go to person that everyone in all of my circles would come to for advice on potty training.
I got the hint and became a certified Oh Crap! Potty Training Expert. So here we are and I am delighted to help you when you hit a roadblock in potty training. Maybe with a spoonful of sugar! 😉
-Kristy, aka Nanny Kiki